The main source for inspiration may be the Caribbean for the majority of Al Barnes' paintings, but he is equally at home in the coastal marshes of South Texas. Water is the binding factor in all of his paintings, whether it's Bonefish tailing on the flats or Pintails lifting off a tidal marsh.
Al has had numerous one man and group exhibitions to his credit and is hung extensively in private and corporate collections around the world, including the National Wildlife Museum in Jackson Hole and The American Museum of Fly Fishing.
He has been National Ducks Unlimited Waterfowl Artist of the Year, two times Texas State Ducks Unlimited Artist of the year and Coastal Conservation Association Stamp Artist, three times Texas Saltwater Stamp Artist, National Ducks Unlimited Stamp Artist and two times International Game Fish Association Featured Banquet Artist.
His work has been accepted in a number of shows, including the Birds in Art show in Wausau, Wisconsin, The Mystic Maritime International in Mystic, Connecticut, the SW Pastel Society and the SW Watercolor Society shows to name a few.
His work has also been featured in magazines such as Sporting Classics, Gray's Sporting Journal, Southwest Artist, Florida Sportsman, Marlin Magazine and Artist Magazine.
2006 Society of Animal Artist / Mason Award
2002 Society of Animal Artist / Leonard Meiselman Memorial Award
Third Place 2004 Artist's Magazine Animal Art Division
Honorable Mention 2004 Artist's Magazine Landscape Division
1986 National Ducks Unlimited Artist of the year
1993 Ducks Unlimited Stamp Artist
Texas Ducks Unlimited Artist of the Year (two times)
Texas State Saltwater Stamp Artist (four times)
Coastal Conservation Stamp Artist (four times)
Billfish Foundation Featured Artist
International Game Fish Association Featured Artist
Birds in Art / Wausau / 96 /98 /99 /01 /02 /03 /04 /06
Society of Animal Artist / 02 / 03 / 04 / 05 / 06
Southwest Pastel Society / 96
Mystic International Maritime Show /96 /02 /03 /04
The Art of Fly Fishing / Jackson Hole / 97
Great American Artist / Cincinnati 97 / 98
1937 - 2015