A Sense of Place | A Place to be Sensed: Vol. 3 – Autumn Gold

Arthur Shilstone’s prolific career as a Master of Sporting Art produced a vast and diverse inventory of watercolor sporting scenes. Any Sporting Art enthusiast can find their sense of place within his body of work. With such a large inventory, however, we recognize the potential challenge of pinpointing that one exact scene (or 2, or 3….)  that brings a distinct ‘place to be sensed’ to a collection. We’ve decided to break down the collection into a few distinct categories and dive into the sparkling waters and abundant forests of a few select pieces. Today, we’ll be focusing on some of Shilstone’s autumn sporting scenes, notably those that bring a vibrant, golden glow to any space.   

One of our favorite paradoxes of Autumn is the fact that, despite the chilly breezes bringing cooler temperatures and frosty mornings, the vibrant golden hues of the vegetation slowly turning dry & crispy around us can impart an incredible warmth to our world. And, of course, the artistic endeavors that these autumnal hues often inspire can bring incredible warmth to our homes.

Arthur Shilstone’s incredible ability to capture the richness of peak autumn days in the field or on the river in watercolor is nothing short of breathtaking.

Let’s take a look at ‘Autumn Grouse’:

Shilstone has an almost impressionist-style rendering of peak fall foliage here – it’s just abstract enough to keep the focus on the color while not detracting from the hunter and his game. Plus, the darkening of the foliage around the edges of the frame imparts a vignette-like effect, helping frame the subject.

‘Flushed From A Hedge Row’ gives us an entirely different perspective: Here, Shilstone used a much greener palette, suggesting an early autumn day, perhaps September. There is still the suggestion of autumn in full swing, in the light washes of contrasting cool & warm tones in the distant rolling hills, and the rust-colored wash in the field imparting that signature autumn warmth.

Take a look through the following autumn sporting paintings and see if you can pinpoint the elements of each piece that impart that signature autumn warmth. Is it the contrast of golden-hued foliage and vegetation with the icy-cool washes of the surrounding atmosphere, as in ‘Coming In’ and ‘The Pool Below The Falls?’ Is it the light golden glow of weakening sunlight made all the more vibrant by the contrasting dark silhouettes, as in ‘Evening Flight?

Let us know what speaks to you in the comments down below and send us a message if you’re interested in adding some signature autumn warmth to your collection with one of Arthur Shilstone’s beautiful autumn sporting paintings.